Simply Grace
We offer an assortment of jewelry, most of which is considered Permanent Jewelry.
What is Permanent Jewelry?
Permanent Jewelry is a service consisting of welding a jump ring together while a piece of jewelry is around the wrist, ankle, or neck. The chain used is smaller than the diameter of the hand, foot, or head, and thus cannot be removed without breaking or cutting the chain.
Is Permanent Jewelry really Permanent?
No. Permanent Jewelry is not immune to removal or breakage. The chains can be easily cut and ordinarily there’s a 10 pound weight limit so the chain will break if it’s pulled hard enough. However, some thicker chains are much more sturdy and will not break at 10 pounds.
However, the jewelry is quality and meant to last if taken care of properly and will stay on unless intentionally removed or pulled beyond its strength limits.
If you would like more information, see the sections above and feel free to contact me or visit my social media page.
Phone Number: 385-450-5527
Instagram: simplygracejewelry
Facebook: Simply Grace
TikTok: simplygrace_jewelry